Researchers have found the first step toward a pill that can replace the treadmill for the control of obesity although it would not provide all the additional benefits of exercise. The researchers have already identified two compounds that can accomplish that in human cells. They have created a system using human stem cells to screen for compounds that have the potential to turn white, or “bad,” fat cells into brown, or “good,” fat cells, and have already identified two compounds that can accomplish that in human cells. White fat cells store energy as lipids and play a role in the development of obesity type 2 diabetes and related conditions, including heart disease, while brown fat has been shown in mice to lower triglyceride levels, reduce the insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes and burn white fat. Cowan’s group has found two small molecules that convert fat stem cells, which normally would produce white fat into brown-like fat cells. These brown-like fat cells burn excess energy and thereby reduce the size and numbers of white fat cells. Working with stem cells would lead to the discovery of new drugs and therapies.