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CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences Jun, 2022 Analysis
Overall the exam was easy; it just required the easy facts and fine logics to solve the questions. Each and every unit was thoroughly covered and have equal weightage on questions. Part A questions were comparatively hard to solve but If one have good aptitude they can solve it easily. ...
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CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences Dec, 2014 Analysis
Only half of the aspirants are serious towards their preparation
More number of aspirants in December than in June
Increase in the number of aspirants every year
Both humans and fruit flies shared certain genes initiate eye development in both species suggest a common:
a. Genetic toolkit for development b. Use of ATP in energy-required reactions c. Homunculi d. Partial genome
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Which of the following mutagen is an example of base analog?
Which of the following are high altitude stresses?
Largest synthetic molecular ‘cage’ built by Biochemists
Biochemists have created the largest protein which self-assembles into a molecular cage. They designed a protein, which does not exist in nature. It is hundreds of times smaller than a human cell. This research could lead to ‘synthetic vaccines’ which protects people from the flu, HIV and many other diseases. ...
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Nano-cocoons designed to deliver drugs effectively against cancer cells
Hibiscus has potential to cure diabetes